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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) 31st Annual Congress, London, England, October 2018. Part 1.



The hip hemiarthroplasty in posterior approach is a common surgical procedure at the femoral neck fractures in the elderly patients. However, the postoperative hip precautions to avoid the risk of dislocations are impeditive for early recovery after surgery. We used MIS posterior approach lately known as conjoined tendon preserving posterior (CPP) approach, considering its enhancement of joint stability, and examined the intraoperative and postoperative complications, retrospectively.


We performed hip hemiarthroplasty using CPP approach in 30 patients, and hip hemiarthroplasty using conventional posterior approach in 30 patients, and both group using lateral position with the conventional posterior skin incision. The conjoined tendon (periformis, obturator internus, and superior/inferior gemellus tendon) was preserved and the obturator externus tendon was incised in CPP approach without any hip precautions postoperatively. The conjoined tendon was incised in conventional approach using hip abduction pillow postoperatively.


There was no difference between CPP approach group and conventional approach group in the mean age of patients (81.8 years, and 80.3 years, respectively), and in the mean operative time (68.8 minutes, and 64.9 minutes, respectively). In 4 cases of CPP approach, the avulsion fracture at femoral attachment of the conjoined tendon occured during hip reduction manoeuvres. No dislocations occured in both groups in the follow-up period (2 years).


Lately, the number of hip surgery in muscle sparing approach is increasing. However, in general, MIS approach induces the intraoperative complications, and requires the skillful procedure. The hip reduction manoeuvres would be more difficult in the CPP approach, than in conventional posterior approach, because the preserved conjoined tendon would inhibit hip reduction, considering those avulsion fractures of the femoral attachment. Nevertheless, CPP approach did not require no extended time compared to conventional approach, and no postoperative hip precautions. Due to these results, CPP approach could be a good MIS procedure including early recovery after surgery based on the enhancement of joint stability, excluding the difficulties in hip reduction manoeuvres. We could not show the difference in dislocation rate between two groups, because of small numbers. We are planning to increase the number of patients in the future study.
