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Purpose- To review the operative treatment of patients with chondrosarcoma of the pelvis and to study the long-term survival analysis of this cohort group.

Methods- A retrospective case study analysis was performed of patients with a diagnosis of chondrosarcoma of the pelvis treated in our hospital between 1990 and 2003. The operative notes and histopathological records were used along with the latest follow up letters.

Results- 54 cases (32 males and 22 females) with a mean age of 48.4 years ( 18–77) were identified. The aetiology was primary ( 38), recurrences ( 9) and secondaries ( 7).The sites in the pelvis were in the anatomical epicentre I(24), II(20) and III(10).The surgical procedures performed were local resection (28) , local resection and hip arthoplasty (6), hemipelvectomy (+ endoprosthesis) (16), hemipelvectomy (+ fibular strut graft) (2) and hindquater amputation (2).The histological grade was grade 1 (27), grade 2 (20) and grade 3(7). The complications rate was 24% – Wound revision (9%), dislocation (8%) and infection (7%). There was a 14-year cumulative survival rate of 46 % and 24 patients are surviving to date. The median follow up was 52 months.

The cumulative 14-year recurrence rate was 40% and the mean time to recurrence was 20.2 months.

Conclusion- There is an increased recurrence rate with epicentre I and III tumours and with those treated by local excision.

The abstracts were prepared by Mr Roger Tillman. Correspondence should be addressed to BOOS at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN