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Complex carpal injuries can be difficult to assess and manage. They usually occur following high energy injuries to the wrist.

Imaging in the form of traction views and a CT scan can help understand the detail of the fracture dislocation pattern.

Perilunate dislocations and perilunate fracture dislocations are commonly managed with a dorsal approach to provide an anatomic reduction. A volar approach can be used is median nerve entrapment and allows a surgical repair of the volar aspect of the lunotriquetral ligament.

Perilunate dislocations are often classified into greater and lesser arc injuries. The greater arc injuries include fractures which go through the radial styloid, scaphoid, capitate or triquetrum. Lesser arc injuries are through the scapholunate ligament and lunotriquetral ligament. It is common for there to be a combination of greater and lesser arc injuries.

We have also identified a complex injury which is a lunate intra-arc injury. This is a fracture through the lunate. With this translunate perilunate dislocation it is important to stabilise the lunate prior to stabilising the remainder of the carpus.

The authors have reviewed a series of complex injuries and developed a classification system based on the above findings. In complex cases where reconstruction is difficult then salvage procedures can be performed. SLAC wrist procedure, proximal row carpectomy and full wrist fusion can be performed particularly in highly comminuted cases or cases with a delayed presentation.

The abstracts were prepared by David AF Morgan. Correspondence should be addressed to him at davidafmorgan@aoa.org.au

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