%0 Journal Article %A Niamh Ramsay %A Jacqueline C. T. Close %A Ian A. Harris %A Lara A. Harvey %T The impact of cement fixation on early mortality in arthroplasty for hip fracture %D 2023 %J Bone & Joint Open %P 198-204 %V 4 %N 3 %R 10.1302/2633-1462.43.BJO-2023-0006.R1 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/2633-1462.43.BJO-2023-0006.R1 %K hip fracture,arthroplasty,hemiarthroplasty,total hip replacement,cement,surgery,mortality,arthroplasty surgery,hip fractures,logistic regression,cementing in arthroplasty,surgical fixation,retrospective cohort study,Anesthesiologists,Cox proportional hazards model,cemented stem