%0 Journal Article %A Eijiro Onishi %A Satoshi Ota %A Satoshi Fujita %A Yoshihiro Tsukamoto %A Shinnosuke Yamashita %A Takumi Hashimura %A Kazuhiro Matsunaga %A Tadashi Yasuda %T Association between sagittal spinopelvic alignment and femoral head destruction in the early stage of rapidly destructive coxopathy %D 2022 %J Bone & Joint Open %P 77-84 %V 3 %N 1 %R 10.1302/2633-1462.31.BJO-2021-0175.R1 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/2633-1462.31.BJO-2021-0175.R1 %K hip joint,pelvis,spine,alignment,rapidly destructive coxopathy,osteoarthritis,femoral heads,femoral head collapse,PI-LL,hip pain,radiographs,joint space narrowing,Lumbar lordosis,Sacral slope,pelvic tilt,sagittal vertical axis