%0 Journal Article %A Kyle N. Kunze %A Melissa Orr %A Viktor Krebs %A Mohit Bhandari %A Nicolas S. Piuzzi %T Potential benefits, unintended consequences, and future roles of artificial intelligence in orthopaedic surgery research %D 2022 %J Bone & Joint Open %P 93-97 %V 3 %N 1 %R 10.1302/2633-1462.31.BJO-2021-0123.R1 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/2633-1462.31.BJO-2021-0123.R1 %K Artificial intelligence,Machine-learning,Data management,Predictive modelling,Orthopedics,orthopaedic surgery,orthopaedic surgeon,clinicians,total joint replacement,total knee arthroplasty (TKA),total hip arthroplasty,preoperative CT scans,cognitive function,arthroplasty,anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears