%0 Journal Article %A Shahriar Seddigh %A Lynn Lethbridge %A Patrick Theriault %A Stan Matwin %A Michael J. Dunbar %T Association between surgical wait time and hospital length of stay in primary total knee and hip arthroplasty %D 2021 %J Bone & Joint Open %P 679-684 %V 2 %N 8 %R 10.1302/2633-1462.28.BJO-2021-0033.R1 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/2633-1462.28.BJO-2021-0033.R1 %K Arthroplasty,TKA,THA,Wait time,Length of stay,hip arthroplasties,knee,Comorbidities,total knee arthroplasty (TKA),primary TKA,total hip arthroplasty (THA),blood transfusions,hip,arthroplasty of the knee,local anaesthetic