%0 Journal Article %A E. S. Vasiliadis %A A. Kaspiris %A T. B. Grivas %A L. Khaldi %A M. Lamprou %A S. G. Pneumaticos %A K. Nikolopoulos %A D. S. Korres %A E. Papadimitriou %T Expression of macrophage elastase (MMP12) in rat tail intervertebral disc and growth plate after asymmetric loading %D 2014 %J Bone & Joint Research %P 273-279 %V 3 %N 9 %R 10.1302/2046-3758.39.2000326 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/2046-3758.39.2000326 %K MMP12,intervertebral disc,Growth plate,Degeneration,Asymmetric loading