%0 Journal Article %A G. B. Sharma %A S. K. Saevarsson %A S. Amiri %A S. Montgomery %A H. Ramm %A D. D. Lichti %A R. Lieck %A S. Zachow %A C. Anglin %T Radiological method for measuring patellofemoral tracking and tibiofemoral kinematics before and after total knee replacement %D 2012 %J Bone & Joint Research %P 263-271 %V 1 %N 10 %R 10.1302/2046-3758.110.2000117 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/2046-3758.110.2000117 %K Kinematics,Total knee replacement,Patellar tracking,X-ray imaging,2D-3D registration,TKA