%0 Journal Article %A A. Pankaj %A A. Mittal %A A. Chawla %T The validity and reproducibility of cross table radiographs compared with CT scans for the measurement of anteversion of the acetabular component after total hip arthroplasty %D 2017 %J The Bone & Joint Journal %P 1006-1011 %V 99-B %N 8 %R 10.1302/0301-620X.99B8.BJJ-2016-1158.R2 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.99B8.BJJ-2016-1158.R2 %K Acetabular version,Cross table radiograph,Woo and Morrey,Ischiolateral,Anteversion,Total hip arthroplasty