@article{doi:10.1302/0301-620X.91BSUPP_II.0910292b, author = {Kotwal, R and Harris, AM and Wright, AE and Hodgson, P and Hughes, CE and Roberts, S and Richardson, J and Caterson, B and Dent, C}, title = {MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES RECOGNISING KERATAN SULPHATE (KS) PROTEOGLYCANS, “KS-STUBS” AND KS SULPHATION MOTIFS USED IN ELISA TO QUANTIFY CHANGES IN PROTEOGLYCAN METABOLISM IN MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES}, journal = {Orthopaedic Proceedings}, volume = {91-B}, number = {SUPP_II}, pages = {292-292}, year = {2009}, doi = {10.1302/0301-620X.91BSUPP_II.0910292b}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.91BSUPP_II.0910292b} }