@article{doi:10.1302/0301-620X.84BSUPP_I.0840055c, author = {Gleizes, V. and Vuagnas, A. and Granier, N and Salamon, J. and Vaylet, C. and Alberin, P. and Denormand, E.P. and Signoret, F. and Feron, J.M. and Lottue, A. and Granier, P. and Peyramond, D. and Breux, J. and Bru, J.E. and Arieux, L. and Potel, G. and Dueng, M. and Perronne, C.}, title = {CONTRIBUTION OF 99MTC HMPOA LABELLED LEUKOCYTE SCINTIGRAPHY FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF BONE AND JOINT INFECTIONS}, journal = {Orthopaedic Proceedings}, volume = {84-B}, number = {SUPP_I}, pages = {-55}, year = {2002}, doi = {10.1302/0301-620X.84BSUPP_I.0840055c}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.84BSUPP_I.0840055c} }