%0 Journal Article %A D. Ll. Griffiths %T Wound Healing. A Symposium based upon the Lister Centenary Scientific Meeting held in Glasgow, September 1965. Edited by Sir Charles Illingworth, C.B.E., M.D., Ch.M., F.R.C.S.Ed.& Glas., Hon.LL.D., Hon.F.A.C.S. Foreword by Professor W. A. Mackey, T.D., M.B., F.R.C.S., Hon.F.A.C.S. 9½ x 6½ in. Pp. xii + 289, with 150 figures and 20 tables. Index. 1966. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. Price 60s %D 1967 %J The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume %P 204-204 %V 49-B %N 1 %R 10.1302/0301-620X.49B1.204 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.49B1.204 %K