%0 Journal Article %A Maarten C. Koper %A Reinier W. A. Spek %A Max Reijman %A Eline M. van Es %A Sara J. Baart %A Jan A. N. Verhaar %A P. K. Bos %T Are serum cobalt and chromium levels predictors for patient-reported outcome measures in the ASR hip resurfacing arthroplasty? %D 2023 %J The Bone & Joint Journal %P 775-782 %V 105-B %N 7 %R 10.1302/0301-620X.105B7.BJJ-2022-1359.R1 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.105B7.BJJ-2022-1359.R1 %K Hip arthroplasty,Hip resurfacing arthroplasty,Hip revision surgery,Metal-on-metal,Cobalt,Chromium,PROMs,hip resurfacing arthroplasties,Serum cobalt,chromium (Cr),patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs),Serum,revision surgery,Cox regression analysis,Harris Hip Score,Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score,Articular Surface Replacement