%0 Journal Article %A Rhody D. Raj %A Andreas Fontalis %A Tarani S. P. Grandhi %A Woo J. Kim %A Ayman Gabr %A Fares S. Haddad %T The impact of the menstrual cycle on orthopaedic sports injuries in female athletes %D 2023 %J The Bone & Joint Journal %P 723-728 %V 105-B %N 7 %R 10.1302/0301-620X.105B7.BJJ-2022-1262.R2 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.105B7.BJJ-2022-1262.R2 %K Athlete,Injury,Knee,Hormone,Menstrual,Female,Sports,Ligament,Anterior cruciate ligament,sport-related injuries,oestrogen,relaxin,hormones,Anterior cruciate ligament ruptures,Patellofemoral pain,musculoskeletal injuries,physiotherapists,ankle sprains,Bone stress injuries