%0 Journal Article %A Jae S. Kim %A Seung H. Kim %A Su C. Kim %A Jong H. Park %A Hyun G. Kim %A Sang M. Lee %A Jae C. Yoo %T Effect of using a small baseplate on the radiological and clinical outcomes of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in Asian patients %D 2023 %J The Bone & Joint Journal %P 1189-1195 %V 105-B %N 11 %R 10.1302/0301-620X.105B11.BJJ-2023-0450.R1 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.105B11.BJJ-2023-0450.R1 %K Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty,Mini-baseplate,Small glenoid,Size mismatch,Glenoid vault,Radiological outcomes,Clinical outcomes,Comparative study,clinical outcomes,glenoids,RSA,scapular notching,reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA),radiological outcomes,Functional scores,glenoid component,shoulder,reverse total shoulder arthroplasty