@article{doi:10.1302/0301-620X.103B6.BJJ-2020-2003.R1, author = {Deckey, David G. and Rosenow, Christian S. and Verhey, Jens T. and Brinkman, Joseph C. and Mayfield, Cory K. and Clarke, Henry D. and Bingham, Joshua S.}, title = {Robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty improves accuracy and precision compared to conventional techniques}, journal = {The Bone & Joint Journal}, volume = {103-B}, number = {6 Supple A}, pages = {74-80}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1302/0301-620X.103B6.BJJ-2020-2003.R1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.103B6.BJJ-2020-2003.R1} }