@article{doi:10.1302/0301-620X.101B8.BJJ-2018-1566.R1, author = {Preston, N. and McHugh, G. A. and Hensor, E. M. A. and Grainger, A. J. and O’Connor, P. J. and Conaghan, P. G. and Stone, M. H. and Kingsbury, S. R.}, title = {Developing a standardized approach to virtual clinic follow-up of hip and knee arthroplasty}, journal = {The Bone & Joint Journal}, volume = {101-B}, number = {8}, pages = {951-959}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1302/0301-620X.101B8.BJJ-2018-1566.R1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.101B8.BJJ-2018-1566.R1} }