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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) 31st Annual Congress, London, England, October 2018. Part 2.



Mechanics and kinematics of the knee following total knee replacement are related to the mechanics and kinematics of the normal knee. Restoration of neutral alignment is an important factor affecting the long-term results of total knee replacement. Tibial cut is a vital and crucial step in ensuring adequate and appropriate proximal tibial resection, which is essential for mechanical orientation and axis in total knee replacement. Tibial cut must be individually reliable, reproducible, consistent and an accurate predictor of individual anatomical measurements. Conventional tibial cuts of tibia with fixed measurements cannot account for individual variations. While computer navigated total knee replacement serves as a medium to achieve this objective, the technology is not universally applicable for differing reasons. Therefore we evolved the concept and technique of Condylar Differential for planned tibial cuts in conventional total knee replacement, which accounts for individual variations and reflects the individual mechanical orientation and alignment.


We used the Condylar Differential in 37 consecutive total knee replacements. We also applied the technique in valgus knees and severe advanced osteoarthritis. First a vertical line is drawn on the digital weight bearing anteroposterior radiograph for mechanical axis of tibia. Then a horizontal line is drawn across and perpendicular to the mechanical axis of tibia. The distances between the horizontal line and the lowest reproducible points of the articular surfaces of the medial and lateral tibial condyles respectively are measured. The difference between the two measurements obviously represents the Condylar Differential. Condylar Differential, adjusted to the nearest millimeter, is maintained in executing the tibial cuts, if necessary successive cuts.


Condylar Differential measurement showed a very wide variation, ranging from 8–6 (2 mm) to 10-0 (10 mm). We found that prior measurement of Condylar Differential is a simple, consistent and effective estimate and individualizes the tibial cut for optimal templating of tibia in total knee replacement. We encountered no problems, adopting this technique, in our consecutive series of total knee replacements.


Condylar Differential contributes to optimal individualized tibial cut in conventional total knee replacement and is a useful alternative to computer navigated option with comparable accuracy in this respect. While we used the technique of Condylar Differential in digitized radiographs, this technique can also be applied to plain films, allowing for the magnification.